Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011 Everyone!!

This is going to be such an exciting year!! I am really looking forward to new projects and meeting new people. As most people know I have been attending college going into my 3rd semester now. Academy of Art University which is the number 1 Art school in the country. Boy can you tell. They pile the work on you!! But I feel really blessed to have the knowledge they provide. It is amazing. I took a Calligraphy class with the master Ann Miller and I learned 8 new hands including a few Gothic and Black letter. I never really liked black letter but I fell in LOVE with Bastard hand. That is the hand I used to do my Halloween envelopes.

I am learning more about how to design. Less is better in more cases than not. Which is weird for me because I always thought MORE THE BETTER. But I am understanding the beauty of a bold statement without all the "extras" involved. (although there are still those occasions when over the top is called for :) So to everyone have a wonderful new year and I look forward to working with you and your families!!


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